
在白天, 尼克劳斯过着两岁孩子般活跃的生活, playing with his older brother and keeping his parents on their toes. You would never know this energetic toddler has battled kidney disease since birth, 需要每晚在家进行透析治疗, 在他等待肾脏移植的时候.

尼克劳斯喜欢冒险的幼儿生活, loving nothing more than playing with rocks and cars and taking trips to the farm with his dad to ride on the tractor. His sunny presence hides the challenges he faces from being born prematurely and with kidney complications. 在出生时, 他只有5%的肾功能, a blockage in his urethra and an enlarged bladder that required a 72-day stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

尼克劳斯和他的妈妈和弟弟一起玩泡泡Kidney disease can affect individuals at any age but hearing that their child entered the world with a chronic condition was overwhelming for Nicklaus’s parents. “他的诊断结果令人震惊. 这对ladbrokes立博体育家来说非常艰难,”他的妈妈凯拉说. “ladbrokes立博体育经历了很多,但ladbrokes立博体育变得更强大了.” The family recently celebrated Nicklaus being added to the national kidney transplant waitlist. 


尼克劳斯和他的妈妈凯拉在滑梯上当时尼克劳斯还在新生儿重症监护室, his care team presented two options to treat his kidney disease: hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD). HD is typically administered in a dialysis center, and PD allows treatment at home. While there are inherent challenges with all kidney care therapy options, Kayla chose PD treatments for Nicklaus so they could manage his disease at night while he sleeps. “With PD, I’m able to give Nicklaus a normal childhood… I’m incredibly grateful for it,” Kayla said. 

With PD, I’m able to give Nicklaus a normal childhood… I’m incredibly grateful for it.


Each treatment filters and cleans toxins from the blood and removes extra fluid using the body’s peritoneal cavity. Through a remote patient management digital health platform, Nicklaus’s treatment data are automatically sent to his care team to enable them to monitor and adjust the therapy, 必要时. His home therapy is further supported through the delivery of his dialysis solution directly to their house. 

Kayla attributed her ability and confidence to be Nicklaus’s dedicated caregiver to the support and guidance provided by his attentive clinicians. “ladbrokes立博体育的医疗团队非常棒,”凯拉说. “看到他腹部插着一根管子,我很害怕. They were very patient and understanding, and they helped me feel at ease." 

Kayla has amassed a wealth of knowledge in the past two years of highs and lows. Her advice to other families going through a similar journey is don’t be scared. “有很多东西需要消化. 医生和护士会帮助你的. 听他们说,”凯拉补充道.

Access to treatment options and caregiver support is crucial for patients living with chronic kidney disease. 通过这些了解更多信息 在线资源.