
The COVID-19 pandemic turned the healthcare ecosystem upside down. 然后是经济的不确定性. From staffing shortages to increased operating expenses, to volatility in product supply and unpredictable patient volumes, the balancing act faced by 医院 is more complex than ever.

That means 医院 are looking for solutions that help care teams do more with less, 简化手工任务和, 最终, spend more of their time on direct patient care.

“三年了, the effects of the pandemic remain front of mind for our customers,玛丽·汉森说, 总经理, U.S. ladbrokes立博体育的医院产品. “作为一个值得信赖的合作伙伴, ladbrokes立博体育的工作是了解医疗保健提供者正在工作的这些紧张的操作环境,并带来创造性, 互联解决方案,最大限度地提高工作流程效率,帮助临床医生提供更智能的服务, more personalized care for patients.”

Below are four trends gaining momentum across the U.S. 2023年的医院景观.

Trend #1: Evolving group of decision-makers
从历史上看, 首席医疗官和首席护理官是与提供病人护理有关的事项的主要呼叫点和决策者. 但由于利润率受到挤压,商业和政府的报销率跟不上成本上升的步伐, 首席人口保健官和首席信息官在采购和资本支出决策中发挥着越来越大的作用.

These decision-makers are considering highly matrixed factors that impact patient care. 对于CPHO, that means assessing metrics like chronic illness rates by area code, 新的流行疾病, 以及患者再入院的风险,并利用这些数据点与健康保险公司进行沟通. 类似的, 医院首席信息官必须在评估成本的同时平衡医院系统如何支持技术先进的患者护理模式, potential strain and disruption of training employees on the new technologies, as well as their impact on systems security.

为了跟上这种变化, 医学技术公司 must offer technologies that transform how care is delivered. 特别重要的是精简行政和业务任务的解决办法, 易于实施, integrated caregiver support tools that deliver more personalized patient solutions, 还有将大量病人和工作流程数据转换为直观数据的软件, user-friendly and actionable insights.

Medtech companies must also deliver cost-effective, flexible solutions that meet hospital systems fluctuating needs. 持续肾替代疗法(CRRT)机器的租赁项目和长尾合同, 例如, 对于在COVID高峰期间重症患者增加的医院系统来说,是否有可行的解决方案, but may be lacking funding or the need to house these technologies on an ongoing basis.

Trend #2: Expanding care outside the hospital
根据… 最近的研究自2005年以来,美国关闭了180多家农村医院,仅在2020年就关闭了20家. 对于那些留下来的人, many are forced to eliminate certain wards, such as pediatric and obstetrics units, 或者大大减少住院治疗.

This delicate medical and economic strain isn’t limited to rural 医院. Hospitals of all sizes are seeking other revenue streams, 包括进一步采用远程保健服务和增加流动中心的门诊程序.

医院也越来越多地扩大在病人家中进行急症护理的潜力. 这种“在家医院”护理在很大程度上是由于远程患者监测技术的进步, predictive analytics and connected care. 这个概念对病人很有吸引力,因为他们可以更快地回家,更舒适地休养, and for 医院 so they provide beds for the sickest patients.  

Trend #3: Increasing focus on cybersecurity
电子健康记录(EHRs)的网络安全攻击数量和复杂程度都在不断增加。, 医疗设备, 以及其他关键基础设施.

在一个 研究 出版于2022年12月, 370多起勒索软件攻击被确定为泄露了近4200万人的个人健康信息(PHI). This figure is likely underreported. 同时, 医院内部越来越需要小型设备连接并向电子病历发送数据.

To combat the evolving threat of ransomware and other cybersecurity vulnerabilities, 医院 must spend more time and resources on their IT infrastructure. This could include establishing significant network and cloud security measures, closely monitoring and protecting hospital devices such as laptops, tablets and other devices from malicious activity, and developing training programs and incident response plans with their workforces.

与此同时,医疗技术公司必须开发包含安全功能的创新 通过设计,而不是事后. 这意味着在设备和软件R的所有点上建立网络安全措施&维过程. 和, as devices and software programs are installed in 医院, monitoring systems should be established to catch early signs of trouble.

To further protect from cybersecurity issues, 医学技术公司, 医院, IT团队应该为网络安全漏洞编目的共享系统和流程做出贡献. Becoming a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) through the Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE®) 例如程序, is one path to support the rapid identification and resolution of cybersecurity issues.

Trend #4: Expanding virtualization and machine learning capabilities
与ChatGPT能够通过美国.S. Medical Licensing Exam in a 最近的研究, some wonder about the role of AI and augmented reality technologies in the hospital. 虽然ChatGPT不太可能取代临床医生在医疗保健中的重要作用, AI and augmented reality technologies can bring an immersive, 良好的用户体验.

2022年12月 FDA发布的 guidance on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in 医疗设备. As these technologies become more prevalent, 增强现实越来越被认为是第一步,也是成本和时间效益更高的一步.

例如, 而不是从设备制造商派技术人员去医院维修设备, 具有机电技能的医院技术人员可以通过具有沉浸式支持的增强现实故障排除指南为设备提供服务, with lower customer and equipment downtime.

类似的, 医院 and device manufacturers can conduct new product and procedure trainings, 比如虚拟展厅或ICU,模仿设备或程序的沉浸式体验. 这使得培训更容易获得,而不需要出差和时间离开医院.